We’re reimagining reflective journaling to nurture human wellness through deep listening and radical self-inquiry.

Welcome to a new journaling experience

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Our first offering is a digital journaling app that makes reflection effortless and enriching to support mindful journaling habits.

Confidentially share your thoughts, experiences and emotions to gain personalized insights, encouraging compassionate self-reflection. We invite you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and meaningfully connect with the people in your life.


Our vision is a world where taking a moment to reflect becomes a natural part of everyone's day, helping people reach their full potential and build healthier communities.

Through easy-to-use self-reflection tools, we aim to help people understand themselves better, manage their emotions more effectively, and form meaningful connections with others.

We believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can better understand others, leading to more compassion, less conflict, and thriving communities for people from all walks of life.

Cultivate compassion

our principles

  • We use compassion, for ourselves and others, as a tool to find paths to well-being. We look for and create new stories about what's possible. Our constant desire to learn drives us towards creating a world where everyone can thrive.

  • We see nature as our teacher. By studying natural systems, patterns, and cycles, we find inspiration for our technology. We aim to design tools that work in harmony with nature, not against it. This approach helps us create technology that connects people with their environment, leading to more sustainable ways of living.

  • We create spaces where leadership can come from anyone, based on what's needed at the time, within itentional communities centered on relationships. Through what we offer, we help build shared knowledge, encouraging self-understanding and a sense of shared purpose and connection within communities.

  • Guided by the idea of responsible creation, we always consider the ethics of what we do, aiming to restore balance between people and the planet. We try to create abundance for all, rather than using up resources. Through careful innovation, we aim to help all living things flourish. In all of this, we think it's crucial to handle data honestly, transparently, and securely.